multispecies angling
Day trip of a 14 mile paddle down the Brazos. I was in support of 20 youth in canoes (10 canoes) so fishing time was limited as expected. I did find a little time to cast though.
Also part of a Scout trip, Bret and Luke did manage a single salmon (pink salmon) while kayaking through Blackstone Bay in Prince William Sound, Alaska.
Great trip, wished I’d had more time for fishing.
Wasn’t a fishing trip exactly, but Luke and Bret brought some gear with them on a hike in Alaska (with the Scouts). 7 miles including an impressive boulder field to Symphony and Eagle lake.
Many Arctic Grayling were caught, on fly, or conventional.
Great views, and cool little fish.
Bret and Donny back up the Brazos a few days after the last trip. zero striped bass this trip, and only days difference. luckily the white bass found this time were all good sized.
Roughnecks on the trip home seemed like a good idea again.
Bret and Zach on the Brazos. Several good striped bass, and countless tiny white bass.
Cold start to the day, warmed up well as the day went on.
Stopped at Roughnecks Pub in Rio Vista Texas on the way home.
Hit the beach near Sabine Pass again this year for some surf fishing. (Donny and Bret)
Was tough this trip. Most the rivers in Texas (and especially the Sabin) were flooded right now. The surf looked and tasted like fresh water. Fish were still caught. Red drum, and black drum. Still a great trip down there as always. Excellent beach food, and sleeping with a cool surf breeze at night is perfection.
After staffing an adult scouting course (Wood Badge, for those in the know) at Philmont Scout Ranch, I received an invite to spend a day fishing a teeny stream at “Fish Camp” on the ranch. Several little brook trout were caught on elk hair caddis and little nymphs when the sun got high. Without question, a great time was had.
We had trail lunch on the porch of fish camp, and just hung out played guitars and sang Gram Parsons songs.
Tried to hit the St James hotel for some food and beers after, but they had shut down already. So, we ended up eating snacks in a gas station with tables.