The Carp Ladder Rules and Info

Run Time: April 1, 2025-April 1, 2026 (52 weeks)

For this *extended* contest, we will be hosting your chance to catch common carp on as many unusual baits as you can.

Starting with very basic and very easy baits, and progressing each week to some of the most obscure baits imaginable, the challenge will be to see how far up the carp ladder you can climb.

We will only be counting common carp for the contest. With that said……. we would also love to see any other catches you end up with during your climb up the ladder. From suckers, to sunfish, to the bizarre we definitely want them sent in as well.

Baits will be announced in groups of 4 (one month at a time) on the podcast and here on the webpage.

Some baits will most likely require a hair rig, and likely a bait drill as well. So along with those items, you will need a camera (your smart phone is perfect) the official contest image (visible in photos of catches) and a sense of humor, and a good attitude abut the rules (they are super basic).

We will track your caches here on the webpage and will be discussing the current situation of the contest on the podcast.

We will have some prizes for the winner, donated by some sponsors as they come in.

Again, this is purely for fun, and stepping out of the rules will only make you look silly.

Speaking of rules, they are simple:


Be kind to the fish, and to everyone else

Single hook fishing only (no trebles, no weird multi hook rigs)

Chum (where legal) only with the same material as the hook bait (for obvious reasons)

Public water only

Participating in the contest means your name and photo can be used on ifitswims media (webpage, podcast, and instagram)

Have fun


To sign up:

send an email to the address below, and we send 2 templates to you. one for signup, the second for entries (entries will need to follow this format)